Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Essay

The book Pirates of the Caribbean, composed by Irene Trimble is about the legend of a privateer transport called the Black Pearl its revile and the groups that battle for it. Jack Sparrow was once chief of the Black Pearl however now Barbossa is the skipper. Jack and Will Turner are set for assume control over the dark pearl and spare Elizabeth from Barbossa and his team. Barbossa and his privateer team are reviled. Due to the revile the food they eat goes to cinders in their mouth, they can't taste their beverages and when they step into the moon light they transform into skeletons. â€Å"But there is one approach to end the curse,’’ Barbossa said raising an eyebrow. ‘’All the dispersed bits of Aztec gold must be restored†¦ and the blood repaid.† (Pg.52) The blood must be from Bootstrap Bill or his child Will Turner. After all the gold is come back to the cavern at Isla de la Muerta and Will’s blood is on the gold the revile is poor and Barbossa and his group turn around into people. Jack shoots Barbossa and he bites the dust since he isn’t a skeleton any longer. At long last Jack escapes from being hung and joins his team on the Black Pearl and Will and Elizabeth begin to look all starry eyed at. Jack Sparrow is precarious privateer since he takes a boat and when the team gets on to catch him he sneaks onto their boat, which is quicker, and takes it. He is additionally brilliant in light of the fact that he and Will put a dinghy over their heads and strolled submerged despite everything relaxing. Jack is diverting on the grounds that at whatever point he is posed an inquiry he generally replies by saying something clever. Jack is untrustworthy so no one truly realizes what he is intending to do. Will Turner is brave since he tossed a blade under Jack’s feet before getting hung so he didn’t bite the dust. He was likewise a gifted metal forger since he made blades and tomahawks. The most significant thing to him was Elizabeth. Will has been infatuated with her since the time he met her. Elizabeth Swann is alluring and great since she generally wears extravagant costly garments and she is likewise the Governor’s little girl so she is demonstrated a ton of regard. Elizabeth is interested about privateers and needs to carry on with a privateer life. She was courageous in light of the fact that she was not terrified of the privateers and she helped spare Will and Jack from Barbossa and his group. Barbossa is caring since he is attempting to discover the entirety of the Aztec gold to help end the revile that is on him and the entirety of his team. He is simple since Jack is continually misleading him and deceiving him. Barbossa is regarded by his team since they generally do what he inquires. Two groups were battling about the Black Pearl. Jack needs it back and Barbossa needs to keep it. Barbossa needs the last bit of Aztec gold to end the revile and Elizabeth has it. His team takes Elizabeth since they think she is Boot Strap Bill’s girl and they need his blood to break the revile. Will Turner needs to protect Elizabeth from Barbossa. Everybody winds up at the cavern of Isla de la Muerta where the chest of Aztec gold is. Jack and Barbossa had a blade battle and discovered that they are the two skeletons. Will Turner puts his blood on the gold and simultaneously Jack shoots Barbossa with his gun and on the grounds that Barbossa is human again he drains and kicks the bucket. Jack Sparrow escapes and assumes control over the Black Pearl again and Will Turner and Elizabeth live joyfully ever after. I truly like this book since I love privateers and it has a great deal of activity. I like how Jack and Barbossa battle about the Black Pearl. My preferred part was when Jack cut Barbossa and nothing occurred and afterward Barbossa wounded Jack with a similar blade and he transformed into a skeleton. I would prescribe this book to somebody that preferences privateers and activity.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Essays - Empiricists

The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Essays - Empiricists The Political Theories Of Locke And Hobbes Political Theories of Locke and Hobbes John Locke affected Western political idea gigantically. He lived during the period of political change, the Glorious Revolution. During this time, the Tories and the Whigs, Englands initial two ideological groups, combined to free their nation of the domineering James II and invited as their new co-rulers his girl, Mary, and her Dutch spouse, William. Locke saw these occasions from the Netherlands, where he had fled in 1683 on the grounds that he anticipated the promotion of the absolutist and Catholic-inclining James II. These occasions extraordinarily impacted his political hypotheses. All through his works, Locke contended that individuals had the endowment of reason. Locke thought they had the characteristic capacity to administer themselves and to take care of the prosperity of society. He composed, The condition of nature has a law of nature to administer it, which treats everybody similarly. Reason, which is that law, shows all mankindthat being all equivalent and free, nobody should hurt another in his life, wellbeing or assets. Locke didn't accept that God had picked a gathering or group of individuals to control nations. He dismissed the Divine Right, which numerous rulers and sovereigns used to legitimize their entitlement to run the show. Rather, he contended that administrations should just work with the assent of the individuals they are overseeing. Along these lines, Locke bolstered majority rule government as a type of government. Locke composed, We have gained from history we have motivation to presume that every tranquil start of government have been laid in assent of the individuals. Governments were shaped, as indicated by Locke, to ensure the privilege to life, the privilege to opportunity, and the privilege to property. Their privileges were supreme, having a place with all the individuals. Locke additionally accepted that administration force ought to be separated similarly into three parts of government with the goal that legislators won't face the impulse to get a handle on at total force. O n the off chance that any administration mishandled these rights as opposed to ensuring them, at that point the individuals reserved the privilege to renegade and structure another legislature. John Locke took a stand in opposition to the control of any man without wanting to. This control was adequate neither as an out of line government, nor in servitude. Locke composed, The common freedom of man is to be liberated from any prevalent force on earth, and not to be under the will or administrative authority of man, however just have the law of nature for his standard. Likewise, Locke felt that ladies had the capacity to reason, which qualified them for an equivalent voice-a disliked thought during this time ever. In spite of expecting that he may be edited, he composed, It may not be right to offer new thoughts when the old customs are adept to lead men into botches, as this thought of caring forces likely has done, which appears to be so anxious to put the intensity of guardians over their youngsters completely in the dad, as though the mother had no offer in it: while on the off chance that we counsel reason or the Bible, we will discover she has an equivalent title. Thomas Hobbes, then again, had a totally unique perspective on people and how government should work. This is because of his experience of experiencing childhood in England, during a period of strict, social, and political strife. Hobbes, was keen on why individuals permitted themselves to be managed and what might be the best type of government for England. In 1651, Hobbes composed his most well known work, entitled Leviathan. In it, he contended that individuals were normally insidious and couldn't be trusted to administer. In this way, Hobbes accepted that a flat out government a legislature that gave all capacity to a lord or sovereign was ideal. Hobbes accepted that people were essentially narrow minded animals who might improve their position. Left to themselves, he figured, individuals would follow up on their malicious driving forces. As indicated by Hobbes, individuals in this manner ought not be trusted to settle on choices all alone. Likewise, Hobbes felt that countries, similar to individuals, were egotistically roused. To Hobbes, every nation was in a steady fight for influence and riches. To demonstrate his point, Hobbes composed, If men are normally in a condition of war,

Friday, August 21, 2020

Knowing Pseudoscience Free Essays

Pseudoscience is some type of information, conviction or research that claims (or gives off an impression of being) logical, however isn't really following a logical method.â Peer survey and free research by others may neglect to demonstrate the claims.â Superficially, such cases may seem logical to individuals. We will compose a custom exposition test on Knowing Pseudoscience or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now A portion of the strategies referenced in the article that are utilized by the site to sell their items incorporate:- 1. The exploration discoveries or market discoveries gave by the pseudo-researchers has all the earmarks of being amateurish and sloppy.â They may regularly cite paper reports, media inclusion, people’s tattle, old books, and other pseudoscience books. 2. Pseudoscientists give realities that genuinely offer to the crowd and give terrific outcomes to issues experienced by them.â They may even give realities to help these outcomes. 3. Pseudoscientists frequently cause individuals to enjoy an unreasonable type of intuition known as ‘magical thinking’ which is a deep rooted human habit.â Scientific examinations led to demonstrate such realities might be fruitless. 4.â Pseudoscientists give proof that is unique in relation to those gave by orderly studies.â Often a great deal of significance is given to strange declaration from individuals and observers, stories, genuine encounters, bits of gossip, tattles, tales, etc.â Studies directed by experts are overlooked, confounded or even refuted. 5. The pseudo researchers don't offer reference to past orderly examinations and examinations conducted.â The main give bogus realities straightforwardly, which regularly can't be demonstrated right.â They may not permit their cases to be put to a progressively important test, however may rather recommend some informal insane investigations. The site guarantees that the tapes can cause the person to accomplish ‘anything and nearly everything’ and ‘As you grow, a progression of occasions happen which manufacture your personality†¦.and your entire self†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢ The article says that pseudoscientist frequently make unprecedented cases that might be not deductively true.â Repeated logical tests led autonomously by others neglect to demonstrate such mollusks. They likewise attempt to impact the person by empowering him/her into otherworldly reasoning (conviction that one’s contemplations, words or activity will make results that will resist the laws of nature).â Magical reasoning is an old human propensity, and regularly unwittingly we will in general enjoy it.â Pseudoscience may start by giving realities that genuinely apply to the crowd, and give stupendous outcomes to people’s problems.â They may even give proof to help their outcomes. The Websites claims gratefulness from famous associations and references, for example, the Russian Government, CNN, Boston University, etc.â The Russian Government will most likely be unable to screen execution of ‘Subliminal messages’, as Private TV channels are allowed to communicate what they want.â The site gives a positive remark by CNN. Notwithstanding, it didn't give the specific individual or the date on which these perceptions and remarks were made.â The article says that pseudo-researchers regularly quote paper articles, press reports, gather gossipy tidbits and talks, and may even cite different books or associations that are bogus or even non-existent.â The examination done by the pseudo-researchers generally gives off an impression of being amateurish and indiscreet. The site gives testimony’s of a few ‘satisfied customers’ (as asserted by the organization, for example, George Montgomery, Philadelphia; Joe Martin, Tampa, Florida; Carole Dallas, Portland; Paul Smiley, Richmond; Sherry Fusco, Bois; etc.â Often pseudo-researchers don't offer significance to methodical examinations gave by experts and rather give undue significance to the perspectives and testimony’s from mysterious customers.â They may not allow their items to be exposed to genuine logical investigations. The site likewise offers a one-year ensure for their products.â The Website has not cited any demonstrated investigations to show the viability of their products.â Guarantee might be a technique for making up for this (to draw in the clients into purchasing their items). References: Coker, R. (2001). Recognizing Science and Pseudoscience. Recovered December 17, 2006, from Quack Watch Web webpage: Subconscious (2006). Home. Recovered December 17, 2006, from Subliminal Self-Improvement Web website:   Step by step instructions to refer to Knowing Pseudoscience, Essay models

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Giovannis Room Gay Criticism, Neglecting Hetero-normative Ideals - Literature Essay Samples

David is consumed by his inner conflict and confusion over personal sexual identity. This ambivalence causes him to neglect heteronormative family, relationship, and masculine norms, leaving him stuck in liminal spaces within society and himself. After David learns Hella’s return is imminent, he feels apprehensive but also relieved, believing he will now be forced to end his relationship with Giovanni and fall into a solid, predictable relationship with Hella. The notion a woman is required for living a productive and happy life is imposed on David, weighing on him. His father hopes â€Å"Is it a woman, David?†(Baldwin 91). A motherlike caretaker suggests â€Å"you must go find yourself another woman, a good womanget married, and have babies. Yes, that is what you ought to do.†(68). David neglects this clear staple of society, unable to continue a sustained relationship with Hella. After all Hella’s sophisticated deliberations on female life, in a last desperate plea, she gives in to the idea of the domestic sphere, believing it the way to happiness. â€Å"I want to get married, I want to have kids† â€Å"David, Please let me be a womantake me. Its what I want.†(161). Hella desires th e creation of a happy, heteronormative life through man and wife, mother and father, and David is unable to do such a thing. What David discovers is he is simply unable to conjure up any real sustainable desire for Hella. â€Å"It seemed to happen all at once I suppose that only means it had been happening for a long timeAll that had once delighted meturned sour on my stomach†(158). In the end, David finds â€Å"It seemed my body next to her warmth, her insistencewould never awakenI had moved out of itI watched my body in a strangers arms† (162). David can never create a nuclear family, this normal family ideal is not possible for him, leaving him alone in a future familial no-mans land. David’s relationship with Giovanni brings David candid happiness, negating heterosexual ideals pertaining to the dynamic love between men and women found in relationships. â€Å"I Loved him. I do not think that I will ever love anyone like that again.†(112). Tragically, Davids neglecting this relationship ideal, his going against the grain, causes any happiness to be quickly destroyed by guilt, shame, and self-hatred. David reflects: â€Å"In the beginning, our life together held a joy and amazement which was newborn every day.†(75). Jacques urges David to stop resisting and open the possibility of real happiness the homosexual relationship can bring â€Å"If you will not be ashamedLove him and let him love you.†(57). David proves incapable of following Jacquess advice. David has strong feelings for Giovanni, but feels the need to want to desire women. David believes he can forget his feelings for Giovanni, and withdraws. â€Å"What kind of life can two m en have together, anyway?†(142). Later David learns he is unable to force his attraction to Hella. Distraught, she asks what he wants. David, defeated, responds â€Å"I dont know. I dont know.†(161). Unable to choose between a rock and a hard place, unable to let or believe he can love Giovanni or really love Hella, leaves David fraught with uncertaintyâ€Å"absolutely cold with terror over the question of my life.†(83). Ideals of what constitutes a normal relationship, and the cognitive dissonance produced when David neglects them, being torn between guilt and shame of attraction to men and his wish to be straight undercut by his sexual apathy towards women, leaving him stuck in a undefined liminal sexual identity he refuses to escape. David, despite wishing at some points to take on to take on the role of what is seen as manhood, never does so. Recalling his father’s quote â€Å"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things†(168). David tells himself in order to obtain manhood, he must ignore his attraction to men, which he sees as stemming from his boyish sexual encounter with Joey, as nothing but a ‘childish thing’ and grow into manhood. David wants to have possessives as the man of the household, wanting â€Å"my manhood unquestioned, watching my woman put my children to bed.†(104). People around David know this, and know him well enough to see his delusion. Jacques mocks him â€Å"I was not suggesting that you jeopardize, even for a momentthat immaculate manhood which is your pride and joy.†(30). David never fulfills his wish to ‘put away’ his sexuality or achieve b eing the man of the house with the perfect family, leaving him very irresolute. When David attempts to prove himself capable of being with a women in his affair with Sue, it is her who takes on a leadership role, exuding more stereotypical masculine aspects, showing little sensuality and femininity with â€Å"small breastshair cut very short.†(95). It is Sue who initiates the sexual encounter â€Å"Come along†(98). With Hella, David is not ever in a masculine role. Hella also knowingly mocks his idealized fantasy â€Å"I can be-your obedient and most loving servant. I felt cold. I shook my headI dont know what youre talking about.†(126). In their final confrontation, When David is silent, Hella says â€Å"Women are waiting for the man to speak. Or hadnt you heard.†(164). David never succeeds in taking on a typical dominant male role in any of his relationships, leaving him incapable of knowing his function in a sexual partnership. David does not know how a man should act in a relationship or then as a member of society, other than as the powerful head of the household, and if he is not, then David believes he is left without a space to exist in relationships and in the world as a whole, unsure and indecisive of his identity as a ‘man’.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Concerns about Human Conditions in Poems, Summer Farm and...

The poets Norman MacCaig and Kevin Halligan express their concern about the human condition in the poems ‘Summer Farm’ and ‘The Cockroach’. As they investigate the role and identity of the individual, the theme of self-reflection is revealed. The title of the poem ‘Summer Farm’ is rather misleading. At first look, it brings us a feeling of warmth and good memories, which are usually related to the summer. ‘Farm’ evokes the same effect with the addition to the visual imagery of animals and nature. However as we begin reading we realise that ‘Summer Farm’ is not about a farm as we expected but the reader embarking on a journey of self-reflection. The peacefulness of the atmosphere is now gone and the tone is serious. The poem divides into two parts. The first two stanzas dealing with nature and the last two concentrate on the poet who commences his process of self-reflection. The poem here plots a movement away from the real to the theoretical. In the third stanza the mention of the word ‘fear’ and the poet’s portrayal of himself as a ‘pile of selves’ add on to a more thoughtful mood. The poem is ended in such a way causing us to feel as though there is more to be said which disturbs us. The use of the word ‘dizzy’ at the end of MacCaig’s chain of thoughts and the start of his ‘not thinking’ state, makes the reader feel as though the poet has been confused by his own thoughts. The third stanza indicates a change in the focus of the poem, which is the poet himself. In the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Daisy A young girl easily attracted by money instead of...

Daisy : A young girl easily attracted by money instead of truth and honesty. Daisy is trapped in a patriarchal society that is almost completely dominated by men. Women have always been held to a lower standard. Most women at that time couldn’t even vote for the majority of Daisy’s lifetime. I woke up out of the ether after delivering a baby with an utterly abandoned feeling and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. All right, I said, Im glad its a girl. And I hope shell be a fool--thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.† Daisy is trapped in a patriarchal society that is almost completely dominated by men. Women have†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"They’re such beautiful shirts,† she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. â€Å"It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before. Commentary: She shows her superficiality again because she cares only about the insi gnificant matters in life. Quote 3: â€Å"I adore it,† exclaimed Daisy. â€Å"The pompadour! You never told me you had a pompadour—or a yacht.† Commentary: She gives the appearance of a young immature minded child the way she exclaims how she likes the yacht and how tom never told her he had a yacht. Daisy has proven herself over and over again to neglect seeing the being picture. She is so overwhelmed by little miniscule factors that enhance her superficiality and materialistic mindset that overlooks any sort of brilliance she may possess. Daisy is proven to be in love with money, ease and material luxury. Although this is true she is also capable of affection as she shows for nick and seems to love Gatsby a little bit sincerely. But this also comes without any sense of loyalty or care. Daisy practices all the morals of the aristocratic view and even seems to rarely care about her own daughter and often makes her a incidence in the book and not something you can genuinely love. But she loves no one truly as much as herself. She shows this whenever She was driving the car that subsequently murdered myrtle, George Wilson’s wife. Instead of doing the right thing she shows herShow MoreRelatedEssay On World War 11975 Words   |  8 Pagesof liberty loving people everywhere ma rch with you it is with great honor and duty that i leed you into battle. Now men get into the landing crafts gogogo said general eisenhower o and tomy be careful out there son dad i got you an moms luck with me okok i just get worried about you said general eisenhower i know said sargent eisenhower jr. after 35 minutes of getting the men into the landing crafts that were off and heading to omaha,gold,juno,and sword beaches for the first wave of d day or operation

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Concept of Business

Question: Discuss about the Concept of Business Excellence by an Organization in their Industries. Answer: Introduction This report aims to explore the concept of business excellence by an organization in their industries. This study has two organizations which are Wal-Mart and Nike case study with its strategy and theories that helped it to reach at the top of their industries. Hence, this report has key theories like business model innovation, competitive advantage, commonalities of the organization that made its achievement bigger. Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is one of the largest and most successful retailing china in US. It was commenced in 1962 in Arkansas, US. It is headquartered in Bentonville, US. It has been located worldwide with more than 11695 stores. It offers almost all the products of household and grocery along with the electronics, home and furniture, movies and music, jewelry and health and beauty products. In 2016, company has earned estimate US$ 485.87 billion (Wal-Mart, 2017). This company has been selected because it is well renowned around the world for all products at the same roof in lower prices. The company has the most incredible and effective supply chain management that helps in making and assembling low cost products. Wal-Mart competes in retailing and superstore industry with other well known competitors like IKEA, Tesco, Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Marks Spencer. Wal-Mart targets middle and upper class individuals in the customer segment. It has made a value in the retailing market as store which fulfills every need of the customers for better life (Wal-Mart, 2017). The global presence of the company is one of the strongest points of the Wal-Mart. It offers products to the customer in very low price in compared to other competitors are the unique proposition of the company (Nilsson and Rapp, 2005). The company also offers ' Every Day Low Price that facilitates same prices throughout the chain and has famous events like Black Friday with throw away prices of the products. This strategy has revolutionized the retailing industry by implementing new and creating one business model at a time with initiation, integration, ideation and implementation of strategies. Wal-Mart always works on the new business model innovation that mainly focuses on the supply chain management that helps the company in achieving competitive advantage (Mason and Evans, 2015). The organization works with various local vendors that help in multiple supplies of raw materials. It is being managed by the latest technology like RFID and ESOP that creates transparency between the relationship of suppliers and employer. Moreover, the company lowers its cost of production through economies of scale (Jin and Lin, 2012). Wal-Mart has also eliminated all the middle men from its supply chain that also reduced its cost of products. Hub-and-spoke distribution centers are being used as highly efficient logistics network by the company that is situated only one day of driving distance that cuts the operating cost of Wal-Mart. Along with this, the transportation system of the company is also very effective and efficient that helps it in lowering its cost of products (Porter, 2008). The company has around 2.2 million workers which are considered as valued employees and has strongly committed top level management that always bring something new to the market (Wal-Mart, 2017). The company also has its own brand and innovative and special customer loyalty programs. Wal-Mart has also used digital information system as an essential need of modern world that helps it in selling its product. The company has its onlin e website that helps the customer to shop online. Wal-Mart also involves in delivery of products at the doorsteps of the customers with anything and anywhere. In addition to this, Wal-Mart is being honored by many awards for excellence in customer services and focus (Jin and Lin, 2012). Wal-Mart is very competitive due to its business models innovation and offers new prices every day to the customers that are less than other competitors that gives value to the company. Nike Nike is one of the most trusted and well recognized companies in sports shoes segment all over the world. The company manufactures specialized sports shoes, sports equipments, accessories and apparel (Nike, 2017). The company is in lifestyle and retailing business since 1964 and headquartered in Oregon, US. Nikes revenue in 2016 was US $32.376 million. The total number of employees of the company is more than 62600 people around the world. The company is being selected due to its leadership in high quality sports products continuously as a strong brand. Nike is successful because of its extensive research and development as well innovative strategies in the market (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen, 2013). Nike is worlds leading brand in sports equipment that targets on men, women and children from upper class and upper middle class. The principle competitors of the company are Converse, Puma, Fila, Adidas, Reebok, New Balance and Bata. It majorly focuses on the sports enthusiast customers and offers expensive high quality of products and services that give comfort and satisfaction that builds value in the market (Nike, 2017). Nike has excelled in the sports related equipments and shoes due its unique designs and high quality products which used as sustainability with continue radical innovative RD. Nike is one of the companies in fortune magazines 100 best companies to work for. This shows that Nike is very good in utilizing its resources and capabilities. The top level management of the company is also very cooperative and committed. The company is collaborated with various companies worldwide such as Apple which show its effective business relationship building. Some of the products are Nike watches, Music Players and Nike+Ipod with these collaborations (Nike, 2017). Nike sponsors various big events that have famous celebrities and held for the good cause which also acts as good marketing strategy which is an innovative way to generate revenue in this industry (Hill and Jones, 2007). The company also top ranked company that uses eco friendly products and placed in climate friendly companies (Mahdi, et al., 2015). The main key success factors behind the achievement of the company are extensive research and development that creates demand of the products with smart and creative way which is a competitive advantage of the company (Ros, 2011). The company has a well managed supply chain management and efficient management and group of people that works for them. Furthermore, the company is recognized for its marketing strategies that includes famous celebrity athletes, professional teams and college athletic teams to whom they also involve in sponsorship agreements (Ros, 2011). Nike acts very socially responsible and outreaches various communities for the same purpose that enhances their brand name in front of customers and creates value proposition. They are also digitally encouraging their existing and prospective customers through different means of social media platforms (Mahdi, et al., 2015). Not only this, Nike made a YouTube series named Margot vs. Lily as marketing campaign which have ove r 80M views. These strategies with the helps theory of initiation, ideation, integration and implementation have helped the company in revolutionizing the lifestyle and retailing industry which is very essential to be successful than other competitors (Pantaleo and Pal, 2008). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that every organization in the leading position works exceptionally good to make its product appealing. Along with this, the implementation and recreation of business model innovation is very necessary by the companies to be competitive in the market and achieve competitive advantage on the constant basis. References Hennig-Thurau, T. and Hansen, U. 2013. Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention. Springer Science Business Media. Hill, C. and Jones, G. 2007. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning. Jin, D. and Lin, S. 2012. Advances in Electronic Commerce, Web Application and Communication. Springer Science Business Media. Mahdi, H. A. A. et al. 2015. A Comparative Analysis of Strategies and Business Models of Nike, Inc. and Adidas Group with special reference to Competitive Advantage in the context of a Dynamic and Competitive Environment. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 6 (3), pp. 167-177. Mason, R. and Evans, B. 2015. The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco. Kogan Page Publishers. Nike. 2017. Annual Report. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on: 18 August 2017]. Nilsson, F. and Rapp, B. 2005. Understanding Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Strategic Congruence and Integrated Control. Springer Science Business Media. Pantaleo, D. and Pal, N. 2008. From Strategy to Execution: Turning Accelerated Global Change into Opportunity. Springer Science Business Media. Porter, M.E. 2008. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Simon and Schuster. Ros, A. A. 2011. NIKE Strategy: Strategy Management. International Journal of Competitive Intelligence, Strategic, Scientific and Technology Watch Sciwatch Journal 4(1), pp. 1-2. Wal-Mart. 2017. Annual Report 2017. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on: 18 August 2017].